Practice Based Pharmacist

Clinical pharmacists work as part of the general practice team to improve value and outcomes from medicines and consult with and treat patients directly. This includes providing extra help to manage long-term conditions, advice for those on multiple medicines and better access to health checks.


What is a Practice based Pharmacist ?

They work together with the Nurses, GPs, HCAs, Physios in the practice to provide support with medication/prescription queries to the public and Surgery team, review medications, review long-term condition, do medical/drug safety audits, transcribe medical letters and prescribe prescriptions if qualified.

Who is eligible to use this service ?


Who is not eligible to use this service ?

If it is something out of our scope, we would let the patient know that its best to speak to their GP

How do I book for the service ?
Call reception
What is the availability of the service ?
We have two different slots (one for medication queries where there is some available everyday day) and the long-term conditions review need to be booked in advance. However, as we are reviewing our appointments system this might change in the near future.